Thursday, September 5, 2013

Paris! Lovely Paris!!

                After our wonderful trip from Rome, we got to drop by  Paris. The few remarkable places were among Eifel Tower, Disney Land, and Love Lock Bridge. We stayed there with my uncle. He showed us around Paris and with our family and his friends, we had an amazing time!

                Love lock bridge might not be the most famous and eye catching sight, but it is a place you'll never forget! The entire bridge was covered with locks! And some locks had locks attached to it branching into a huddle of locks in a tiny part of the bridge. It was amazing. It's not just one side of the bridge was covered, nearly the whole bridge! Maybe a dozen more locks would fit but no more. So that's where the term "lock"  comes from.  The love part is when you write the name of someone you care about. I spent a long time trying to hijack one of the locks but it was impossible! And, I was also kind of paranoid that if I pulled the lock too hard, the whole bridge would collapse... I saw so many different locks; Some big, some small, some heavy. Every lock was unique but obviously, a lot of people had the same locks. It was said that workers had to come every week, cut off part of the bridge and replace it with new parts. Even after that! It remained full! The Paris government will need a lot more workers to get rid of the Love Lock Bridge. We stayed there for a pretty long time. After a while it got dark and really cold so we headed back to our hotel. I wish I had a lock to help continue the Love Lock Bridge!

                We also went to the Disney land in Paris. At first  thought it was all childish and for little kids like my little brother who's 5. But then I saw a lot of older people and kids my age too. I also found many rides. The only bad part about the rides were the ever growing line ups.  One of the things I saw in Disney land was how they animated movies and TV shows. They showed us how they design and make characters' which was kind of interesting. There was this show  where a real man was talking on his phone and "apparently" disturbing the movie. So the king inside the movie ordered his magician to teleport him into the movie screen. And it was interesting because there was smoke, and he literally teleported into the movie. The original character was nowhere to be found. After that, the king was about to punish him but a lady came in and saved him. Although, in that part, there was no talking. After that, the man went from movie times( like gray and no sound to cowboy movies and then finally to today's HD movies). And one part ended up in a cowboy year movie. The man appeared in the movie," The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". Since I watched this movie, I found it really funny! The man's phone started to ring, and all the other cow boy's  hands went on to their guns, and the man's to his phone. I found the movie interesting because at one point, the magician open this gate way to get back to real life. The man in the movie walked into the gate and he reappeared to a real human!  We also went on this train ride where they showed us special effects they used. We stopped and then the lights turned off. There was a truck that was hit by a huge wave of water and it fell over by the impact. The train started to shake and you could hear thunder. Then the truck was surrounded by fire. And the amazing part is you could really feel the heat! Then we continued back to the station and we all got off. Another thing would remember for my whole life is Dream Works Disney Land.  I have to admit, that was the most amazing thing I ever saw. The main castle was streamed by lights that made animations and thousands of fireworks burst in the night. And DreamWorks was a special event. It doesn't always happen. We were definitely lucky to go to Disney Land that exact day! 

                Lastly, we went to the Eiffel Tower. After talking about it my whole life, it wasn't really special but Eifel Tower was still completely amazing. It was quite tall. You could go to the bottom and look all the way to the top.  That was definitely cool. Although, Eiffel Tower isn't as tall as the CN tower in Canada, it was a big show. Performers and street sellers gathered there to make some business. One group of performers threw a comedy show. They went all crazy and acted to songs and movie lines. One moment they're hiding from an alien and then they were break dancing . I have to admit, they made lots of money that day from tourist and locals. 

                Paris was the second best country we visited on our tour. Paris wasn't as good as Rome, but I will definitely remember the things that me and my family did there. We had to say good bye to our uncle, but he got a bit emotional and I did too, a little bit. He didn't have a wife or any children. He lived with his friends. I felt sorry for him but we said good bye and he knew that we all had fun. Paris was awesome!

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