Thursday, September 5, 2013

Paris! Lovely Paris!!

                After our wonderful trip from Rome, we got to drop by  Paris. The few remarkable places were among Eifel Tower, Disney Land, and Love Lock Bridge. We stayed there with my uncle. He showed us around Paris and with our family and his friends, we had an amazing time!

                Love lock bridge might not be the most famous and eye catching sight, but it is a place you'll never forget! The entire bridge was covered with locks! And some locks had locks attached to it branching into a huddle of locks in a tiny part of the bridge. It was amazing. It's not just one side of the bridge was covered, nearly the whole bridge! Maybe a dozen more locks would fit but no more. So that's where the term "lock"  comes from.  The love part is when you write the name of someone you care about. I spent a long time trying to hijack one of the locks but it was impossible! And, I was also kind of paranoid that if I pulled the lock too hard, the whole bridge would collapse... I saw so many different locks; Some big, some small, some heavy. Every lock was unique but obviously, a lot of people had the same locks. It was said that workers had to come every week, cut off part of the bridge and replace it with new parts. Even after that! It remained full! The Paris government will need a lot more workers to get rid of the Love Lock Bridge. We stayed there for a pretty long time. After a while it got dark and really cold so we headed back to our hotel. I wish I had a lock to help continue the Love Lock Bridge!

                We also went to the Disney land in Paris. At first  thought it was all childish and for little kids like my little brother who's 5. But then I saw a lot of older people and kids my age too. I also found many rides. The only bad part about the rides were the ever growing line ups.  One of the things I saw in Disney land was how they animated movies and TV shows. They showed us how they design and make characters' which was kind of interesting. There was this show  where a real man was talking on his phone and "apparently" disturbing the movie. So the king inside the movie ordered his magician to teleport him into the movie screen. And it was interesting because there was smoke, and he literally teleported into the movie. The original character was nowhere to be found. After that, the king was about to punish him but a lady came in and saved him. Although, in that part, there was no talking. After that, the man went from movie times( like gray and no sound to cowboy movies and then finally to today's HD movies). And one part ended up in a cowboy year movie. The man appeared in the movie," The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". Since I watched this movie, I found it really funny! The man's phone started to ring, and all the other cow boy's  hands went on to their guns, and the man's to his phone. I found the movie interesting because at one point, the magician open this gate way to get back to real life. The man in the movie walked into the gate and he reappeared to a real human!  We also went on this train ride where they showed us special effects they used. We stopped and then the lights turned off. There was a truck that was hit by a huge wave of water and it fell over by the impact. The train started to shake and you could hear thunder. Then the truck was surrounded by fire. And the amazing part is you could really feel the heat! Then we continued back to the station and we all got off. Another thing would remember for my whole life is Dream Works Disney Land.  I have to admit, that was the most amazing thing I ever saw. The main castle was streamed by lights that made animations and thousands of fireworks burst in the night. And DreamWorks was a special event. It doesn't always happen. We were definitely lucky to go to Disney Land that exact day! 

                Lastly, we went to the Eiffel Tower. After talking about it my whole life, it wasn't really special but Eifel Tower was still completely amazing. It was quite tall. You could go to the bottom and look all the way to the top.  That was definitely cool. Although, Eiffel Tower isn't as tall as the CN tower in Canada, it was a big show. Performers and street sellers gathered there to make some business. One group of performers threw a comedy show. They went all crazy and acted to songs and movie lines. One moment they're hiding from an alien and then they were break dancing . I have to admit, they made lots of money that day from tourist and locals. 

                Paris was the second best country we visited on our tour. Paris wasn't as good as Rome, but I will definitely remember the things that me and my family did there. We had to say good bye to our uncle, but he got a bit emotional and I did too, a little bit. He didn't have a wife or any children. He lived with his friends. I felt sorry for him but we said good bye and he knew that we all had fun. Paris was awesome!

Why I love Rome!!

                This summer, me and my family went on a vacation to Europe. More like a tour really. We went to many places like Spain, France, and England. One of our stops was Rome. Rome is a beautiful place because of their sculptures and architecture but not because beautiful nature. Around every corner, there was a sight to see that could make your jaw drop. Literally! Rome is one of those unimaginable places that you would always want to go. After going there once, I still see Rome as one of those places! I really wish we stayed there more during out trip. 

                One highlight at Rome was this street seller. He spray painted and sold beautiful art works. I really should've bought one. He drew the coliseum with a scene of your choice. My favorite was a forest and waterfall.  He was also a performer as well as a seller. Crowds gathered up to watch him. He took drawing to a whole new level. He tossed spray cans into the air while he made different shades of color. He didn't have much tools. A set of spray paint, a plastic bag, sheets of paper and card board. Not much else. I went to ask my father to take a video, but it wasn't the best one due to our spot near him. After, when we were heading back home, we saw another spray painter. He only had one customer. He did them real slowly, and if you watched him, you'd lose your interest. So that when I understood how come he had so many costumers. He could produce paintings really fast, and he made them like a show. So people would stay there and watch until they decided if they wanted one or not. I really regret not getting one of those paintings.
                We also went to the world famous coliseum. My mom kept going about how they put humans to fight animals. She kept going on and on that it was madness but I was occupied by the sights. There was a perfect over view of the whole stadium. The steps on the stairs were very big and it was hard to go up them quickly. It was amazing. Around many places, there were cages, not too big though. Just as big as  a normal room although there was no washroom like we have now days. Just a drain and a rocky room. Well, what could I except from a structure thousands of years old? On top of the coliseum, you could see The Arch of Constantin. In my opinion, the coliseum was far more interesting. Although, engravings on The Arch made it very interesting. If I do recall correctly, one guy wearing a Spartan costume scammed us money.  We took some pictures and he forced us to pay a high amount, when we offered a standard amount. Well, at least the coliseum was fantastic!


  One night, before we went to out next country, we stopped by at these beautiful fountain called Trevi  Fountain. It was glorious with all the lights. I'm pretty sure we ended up there by getting lost. It was a great fountain with many statues. We took pictures there. I have to say, that fountain was the mother of all fountains! There were so many coins. If someone brought a magnet, they'd be rich. In fact, my little brother picked one up but I told him it was rude. He tossed the coin back. I'm not sure if all the coins were shining or the fountain itself was!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Famine in Somalia

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hello. I’m here to talk about Somalia’s famine.

Famine almost common because crops don’t properly grow which would happen during summer because there is not enough rain to feed the crops. What exactly happened in Somalia is drought continued for this whole year it may have rained only once or twice so they don’t have enough water to feed the crops. The crops die and that’s why 3 quarters of Somalia doesn’t get enough food. (That’s 2.85 million people that face starvation. Further 1.75million will join the starvation) Around 10 thousand people already died from starvation.

The other reason of famine is Somalia has been in civil war and even if they hadn’t been in war the country was really poor to buy food. People say the war is caused by religions. Somali people are Muslims just like me. (but that really isn’t the point). Well the other religions are obviously non-Muslims. (I’m not saying any ones bad but the war is serious) The war has killed around 200 thousand people.

Somalia is depending on their live stock and animals. Most of the animals can’t produce milk. Camels are dying and if they die what chance do the other animals like cattle’s have to live? Also 80% of the livestock are also done.

I heard the kids are eating leaves so that might affect the oxygen. To help the country I am fund raising for them. So far I only got 4$.D: .But will get more! :D . The way I’m fund raising is I’m selling chocolate bars and you can donate as much as you want. The reason I only have 4$ for the donation is because I only soled one xD. I hope you do something to help too.

Bye for now!

Sources: Me and a thousand of other websites

By: Rakin Mohhamed

Update:August 4 2011 thurs: I now ahve $52.25 i hope i can earn more by tommorow!

Update 09/08/2011 Hello every one again!right now i have 270$ I know not alot I'm still collecting!!

Update friday 2011 agaust 11: Helo......
right now i have 570$ not much my gaol is 700$
*sigh*ok bye

Update Saturday August 27 2011:

Hello again. I have reached my goal! I have collected $705.25.Yay. Now my goal is $1000.25- I have donated this money through Doctors without Borders, Islamic Relief Canada, and Canadian Red cross.- Ok byez...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My trip to Dallas !!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

This March break I had an awesome time at Dallas! We went to Dallas 2 days before March break started. We stayed at our cousin’s house; (on my mother’s side) to get to Dallas we took an airplane from Buffalo.

One unforgettable thing that we did at Dallas was when we went to Houston and Galveston. Galveston was beside the Gulf of Mexico, and it has a beach. We couldn’t swim there because it’s dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, (unlimited dirties,) dirty. The good part was there were many shells and I found tons! When it was night we slept in a motel.

The next day we went to Houston and we went to NASA The Space Centre, It was so fun, it’s just like our Ontario’s science centre but it’s about space! It showed how astronauts live in space and how they controlled the rocket ship/ airplanes. Another place that we went was White Rock. It’s beside a lake and there are many birds such as swans. I also got to feed one!
We also went to South Fork Ranch; there it was the setting of the popular TV drama serial Dallas.

The other place we went was Forth Worth. It looks just like where the cowboys use to live. Two highlights from that place were when I rode a horse and when I went to the maze. In the maze the objective is to find the letters M.A.Z.E and in every letter there is an hole puncher that is shaped with the letter and when you’re done you got to get to the finish line! I also got a prize from them.

The last place we went to was Dallas downtown. There was the memorial of John Kennedy F. It was sad. That’s my awesome trip to Dallas!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My New School! Cassandra Public School

Sunday, September 19,2010
My New School! Cassandra Public School!
My schools name is Cassandra P.S.
My name is Rakin Mohammed and I’m in grade 4. This year I’m going on a bus to go to school. Cassandra is my new school. Last year I went to Vitoria village.

At Cassandra I have a friend named Veroonen who was from my old school. He went on my bus. (Only on the first day of school.)

My teachers name is Madam Mallet. I’m in extended French program. Bonjour. In the morning we speak French and in the afternoon we speak in English. (I’m starting to understand some French.) Some of my friends at school are Tommy, Jay, Veroonen and Milton. I forgot to include Basil. They use to sit in my table. My new table is with only Veroonen, Sydney and Nadia.

When it rains at lunch we watch a movie. Last time it rained we watched Tarzan.

At my bus I have one friend named Areon. Well my bus drivers name is Heather. Sometimes I do talk to the other guys but we always don’t talk.

At Cassandra outside there is something called a nature garden? It has many plants. There are some plants called burs that make you itchy. (Some people in the classroom came in with some on them. The person that had the burs and put them on the carpet. A class mate named Tatiana said not to put them on the carpet, people will get the infection.)

At school there is a tiny hill. One thing, outside the nature garden is a huge park which is off of school property. And before the nature garden there is a tiny forest which we are allowed to go in which was called the outdoor classroom.

My bus drops me of at my old school Vitoria village P.S and picks me up so I can still see my old school. Well I’m going to play tennis with my dad and brother.

My gym teacher’s name is Mr. Adams; my music teacher’s name is Mr. Won.
And my library teacher’s name is Mrs. Divine.
Those are my teacher’s names. And the principles name is Mr. David Hawker Bulosky.

We also have a very, very, very big running field. Also there is a little girl that is in our bus and we’ve already made a seating plan.

So that’s almost all of the things about my school and bus.
Bye, Au revoir.
By: Rakin
Posted by Mobinul Islam, OCP at

Monday, August 9, 2010

My trip to New York!

We went to New York last summer vacation (2010). My friends live there so we decided to go to New York as our vacation and it was my first time going to U.S.A.
To get to New York we took the Mega bus and we had to cross Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and New Jersey.

My trip to New York as far as I remember was in 2010 in June. At New York we stayed at my friend’s house with my little brother, my mom, and my dad.

Once we got to New York I was very excited to see many things as the Statue of Liberty and eventually we had gone there and I knew many famous movies and events took place there like the movie Spiderman and Home alone.

One place we went was to the Natural History of museum, there we saw a bunch of dinosaur bones (my first time!) and sculptures of animals (not real). There were also some ancient Chinese armor and decorations, which was very exciting.

The next thing I will talk about is The Statue of Liberty. At the ferry docking station I saw people singing songs for money, also we had to take a ferry to get to the place where The Statue of Liberty is. The Statue Liberty is a statue that shows freedom to U.S.A. The statue is a lady holding the torch in one hand and a book in the other hand. It is a huge statue. It is placed on an island, a little further than New York (that’s why we had to take the ferry). First I played with my cousins and next we had a good lunch there. After that we went to the store and returned home.

We also went to the Manhattan Bridge to cross the river. We also saw the empire states building once but unfortunately, we didn’t have a chance to go there.

Finally we went to Central Park which was a nice park and they had a little river and a small beach place and there were rocks that I climbed (Everyone else took the path.) we also saw a bunch of turtles!

That’s pretty much my adventure at New York!